Company Name
Anthony L. Velasquez, Esquire, LLC
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Company Name
Anthony L. Velasquez, Esquire, LLC
What I have to offer is... (be specific)
I am a licensed attorney (over 18 years) in New Jersey. I am in-house corporate counsel for a tax lien company that acquires distressed properties and wholesales them to flippers or other buyers. I also provide general real estate legal services including residential closings, commercial transactions, leases, etc. I have particular knowledge and experience in the tax lien and tax foreclosure industry. My clients range from residential and commercial buyers and sellers to wholesalers, flippers and investors who capitalize upon the tax foreclosure markets. I also represent buyers, sellers, borrowers, lenders, landlords, tenants, contractors and property managers with regard to nearly all real estate-related matters. Personally, I engage in my own real estate investments when the opportunity presents itself. My office can be reached at 609-273-2630.
What I am looking for is... (be specific)
I seek networking opportunities with like-minded persons and businesses. I welcome new clients and returning ones! I am always willing to share my knowledge and experience. I intend to provide an upcoming lecture series for Tri-State members on tax foreclosures and the ability to capitalize upon such opportunities in New Jersey. I also seek personal investment opportunities.
Hi Anthony,
I just saw that you will be presenting at Tri-State on tax foreclosures. My husband and I would love to attend. Have you scheduled a date for that yet? Looking forward to it and hopefully meeting you and all my other "new friends" at Tri-State Mixer meetings. Until then, Margie Parrillo
Just noticed it's your Birthday today, Happy Birthday, and many more to come.