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  • Hi Tabitha

    It will be really nice networking with you. I am always looking to meet motivated sellers.
  • tabitha
    if you have any pre-forclosure or foreclosure properties in north jersy please email them to i will get really glad to work with you
  • hello Ms. Clark...well, I help people with their credit and debt....because of my videos on, I help people all over the US!!'s very fun what I do....recently, I've been networking with loan officers because I can help them with their current clients who can't qualify because of their credit...I'm able to give results in 12 days sometimes and be able to bring up the score by 100+ points! main thing is networking with RE Investors like yourself to help you sell to End Buyer (if they need help with their credit) But, I can also find investors with Business Funding as well!
    I'm excited for you!!! Lets do this and help people!

    Guillermo (Gizzy)
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What I have to offer is... (be specific)

Pre-foreclosures and motivated sellers in the Central and Northern Jersey areas

What I am looking for is... (be specific)

Buyers/Seller of residential properties, creating relationships with investors, real estate agents, and other professionals in the industry to do wholesale deals and learn more about the business