Somewhere I read that there is another 'section 8' type program that is for maybe emergency housing-12 months maximum with a possible 3 month extension. Does anyone know anything about this and who/what agency handles this?
Walter W. Stumpf Jr.
Somewhere I read that there is another 'section 8' type program that is for maybe emergency housing-12 months maximum with a possible 3 month extension. Does anyone know anything about this and who/what agency handles this?
Walter W. Stumpf Jr.
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You got it. check with the county of the property to see if any different. Mine is in Union.
Thanks Rob!
There is a program called TRA (Temporary Residential Assistance) i believe. It is as you have described and is managed through the Dept. of Human Services, Division of Social Services. I have a tenant in this program that is exiting now. They do not inspect and have more lenient standards. You need to verify an business with proper ID. Word to the wise is to verify a plan for payment from tenant beyond the timeframe of assistance if planning on holding the property. Payments can be delayed but do arrive. Also, numbers can be similar or better to sect 8 housing and are more favorable if you have util included (know your util costs).
Hope this helps.
I believe through the towns/city "welfare" program of some sorts there was/is a "general assistance" program for about 6 months (it might have changed). You can try giving them a call as a starting point/confirmation. If anything, they may know/better direct you.