I entered into an agreement to buy a house. It was a short sale. Negotiations were going fine for a couple of months, (in fact we were days away from an approval) but then seller started avoiding me and the Realtor. I discovered that seller signed a contract withe a second seller, because they were offered cash "under the table" by the buyer. I know that those things are both illegal, but my question is: Can I file a memorandum of contract, with the county, as the sole affiant (of course seller will not sign). This would be an attempt to force seller to honor my contract.
EE 973-750-8090 einholz_e
Even with questionable standing the other side will be forced to lose time and expend dollars to get rid of you .....a judge may also rule that your contract (in first position datewise) may stand.
file Lis Pendens.....
Thanks guys. I did a little homework on "Notice of Settlement". it is good for 60 days (used to be 45), and can only be renewed once. Any way around it if you need to go beyond 120 days?
There is something you can do, I cant remember what it is exactly but someone here should be able to tell you. It is like a $50 fee to file 'xxx' and they cant transfer the deed/title without you agreeing [or being paid off].