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  • Hello Ronald,

    Hope this message finds you well. I noticed on your profile that your

    part of a South Jersey Investment group? Would you or anyone in your

    network have access to land in South Jersey (1acre +) close to a Grid?

    I have a client who is looking for raw land to erect Wind Turbine energy

    generators. Land must be at least 200Ft from an energy grid. Please let

    me know if you come across anything. Thank you! =)

    Warmest Regards,

    Dave M
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Company Name

iAbstract and Title Agency

What I have to offer is... (be specific)

What do I have to offer. 15 years in the Real Estate Industry. Owner of iAbstract and TItle Agency, Board Member of South Jersey Investors. Those people who know me, know I am a real estate connector. I help people find a sources to make deals happen

What I am looking for is... (be specific)

A venue here I can meet like minded people in the Real Estate Industry.