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  • having an email melt down.  Tried to forward emails and bang it blew up.  working on getting it fixed.  You can try whatsthereturn@gmail or give me a call at 201-206-8752

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Company Name

ERA Properties Unlimited

What I have to offer is... (be specific)

When you're passionate about real estate, construction, and design, have a knack for research and analysis, and take pride in being of service to others, becoming a licensed Realtor just makes sense. Having earned two degrees from two of the most highly rated institutions in the country (a bachelor's degree in economics from Emory University and a master's degree in construction management from NYU) an investor, colleague, or future client can be assured that I will demonstrate the same commitment, dedication, and work-ethic to them in any real estate transaction that lead to a successful career in the educational environment

What I am looking for is... (be specific)

As a young professional in Central Jersey, I'm really focused on establishing and growing my professional network and contacts within the real estate and construction industries.