Company Name

(undakova willpowa presents) UNDA KOVA YOGA

What I have to offer is... (be specific)

I am willing and able to organize Cashflow 101 gaming events in NYC that will allow networking and friendly competition to enhance knowledge and expertise on winning financial literacy principals. I am offering a FREE yoga and wellness class at my 760 Franklin Avenue UNDA KOVA YOGA studio. Details at I am bringing the spirit of leadership, and empowering others with my creativity as a graduate of La Guardia HS of Performing arts in NYC and my love for the arts to all interested.

What I am looking for is... (be specific)

I am looking for people who are interested in joining my membership site enabling them to see where and when I am playing Cashflow 101 next. I am looking for participants who would like to take a FREE yoga class. I am looking for like minded individuals to invest with and to assist in growing my business. I am looking for knowledge on how to utilize real-estate and other investment tools to enable me to live the life of my dreams creating enough passive income that I can live and spread my passions while on this planet.