
Company Name

Goldman Harris

What I have to offer is... (be specific)

Legal expertise in entitlements in NYC. My firm, GoldmanHarris LLC, is a boutique law firm specializing in zoning, land use and landmark preservation throughout New York City. Our clients include developers, lenders, owners, purchasers, law firms, architects, condo and coop boards, and others involved in NYC real estate. GoldmanHarris offers a full range of legal services relating to land use, including zoning due diligence and analysis, transactional and litigation support, strategic advice, zoning opinions and letters, purchase and sale of development rights, and as-of-right and discretionary agency approvals. We practice before the all relevant city agencies. We offer our clients exceptional knowledge, experience and value.

What I am looking for is... (be specific)

Clients and referrals to clients!