Thursday January 24, 2013 at 1pm EST
Next Generation Trust Services, a third party administrator for self-directed IRAs, will be hosting a webinar is Mathew Sorensen, Esq. of KKOS Lawyers. The topic of this presentation is “Understanding the IRA/LLC Investment Strategy.” One of the most frequently sought out investment strategies, it is extremely important to understand the facts and rules when creating an LLC and funding the new company with your IRA. In this presentation Mr. Sorensen will cover.
- What you can do as manager of the LLC, and what are the restrictions.
- Loans your IRA/LLC can take.
- Other frequently asked questions.
Register for the webinar HERE
“Mat is a partner at KKOS Lawyers in its Phoenix, AZ office. KKOS Lawyers assists clients nationwide from its offices in Arizona, Utah, and California. Mat’s practice areas include real estate, self directed IRA law, business entity formation, securities law, estate planning, and general litigation. Mat’s practice has a particular emphasis on self directed IRA law. Mat has assisted over 1,000 clients with self directed retirement plan investments and has established LLCs, partnerships, private offerings, corporations, and other investment structures with self directed IRAs. Mat also regularly consults clients on the prohibited transaction rules applicable to IRAs, on UBTI and UDFI taxes, and has represented self directed IRA owners before the U.S. Tax Court.” – KKOS Lawyers
See you there!
Jared Lopez
TriState Mixer Vendor Member