I have two properties in UNion County NJ that are on the market and ready to be taken on by an a wise individual. These homes are only up for cash buyers looking for a great deal or a steal on investing. First property
Property Type: | 2Units | |
Year Built/Age: | 6 | |
Land Area: | 2500 | |
Number of Bedrooms: | 6 | |
Number of Bathrooms: | 4 | |
Total Number of Rooms: | 10 | |
Square Footage Available: | 2,800
Second Property
Property Type: | Single-Family | |
Year Built/Age: | 89 | |
Land Area: | 0.08 | |
Number of Bedrooms: | 4 | |
Number of Bathrooms: | 2 | |
Total Number of Rooms: | 8 | |
Square Footage Available: | 1,452
Hi, can you please send me the address and numbers to: czy180@gmail.com. Either I will buy it all cash or I'll refer you to one of my buyers who might be interested.
Phil Petite said: