Hello my name is Justin Daniel and I am 20 years old and enrolled in Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Real Estate Coaching Program; i'm sure some of you have heard of him. Right now I am learning about building my team of like minded individuals. So does anyone have any advice on great CPA's/Tax Strategist(Hopefully the CPA can do accounting and do tax planning) and Financial advisers that operate in NJ? I don't want to make the mistake of hiring the wrong people and then later down the line realizing that if I took the right steps in the beginning I would saved millions of dollars. Thanks for reading
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Good idea I was thinking about that too. Depending on how much I learn in this 12 month coaching program I might just wait till I have some good cash flow first and then start hiring people.
Okay thanks for the response; I have a list of 10 companies I'm going to review and call tomorrow and see how it turns out.
Hi Justin, i am also a student of Robert. Referrals are usually a great way to get power team members. However, you can google it and call a few of them in your area and use the script from your Rich Dad training materials. Once you get two or three good ones that gives you favorable answers schedule to meet with them and show them what your goals and plans are and see what they could do to help, and see if there is a match.