When looking for absentee owners in public records in your specific city/county assessors office database; how do you determine who exactly the owner is of the property when both addresses listed are the same as the abandon property?
Is there a way you can tell if the property owners are cash buyer’s from theses records?What would be the most effective way to Market/Do business with this group of businessmen and women?
Thanks nick for replying to my message and great advice. But more importantly, it was a pleasurre meetimg you yesterday at the wholesaling class in nj. I learned alot from that class, even though it was geared toward nj market i still left knowing way more than I did coming in. One question while i'm here;how do I get the contract wrriten up for A to B without using a lawyer? I will be at the class on wed in brooklyn as well. Hope to stay connected to you and learn from all your experience, for someone who has been investing for only 6 yrs your knowledge comes off as if it were 10 or 12. Looking forward to getting to that level (using your words) becausee I AM ALL IN.